“To find your creative muse you have to go to a place within yourself where no one else has ever been. Experiment, brake the rules, make mistakes, grow and most of all ... Have fun while doing it! Don't wait for inspiration to come to you .. go out and find it.Never loose the child within you because within the child you will find your imagination. Be creative and be inspired and you will live a life filled with wonderful creative blessings."

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Just Another Painting

A quick little painting I have done tonight and again I have been shading this face to death. It's too smooth to my liking but I will practice until I get a more free and painted look. I am not happy with the placement of the nose and the eyes but here goes. Not going to try and fix it because it's only a practice piece. I will persevere and tomorrow I won't be this tired so maybe the next face will look better.


  1. I love your beautiful painted piece even though it was practice. I so get that you can mess and mess with it and still have little inadequacies at the end. But yours looks really perfect.

  2. She looks very good to me, but I know what you mean--just wanting to try to push your art furthur--it's how we grow.

  3. I think it looks fabulous...very ethereal and misty...!..Beautiful..!

  4. It's interesting how we are so critical of our work, isn't it? It usually takes a long break from a peice before I appreciate it. Human faces are not perfect, that's what makes them wonderful. You are very gifted!
    -Laura P.

  5. I think she's Lovely Ansota! Very contemplative expression...

  6. I think this piece is beautiful! She has a far away look, its very compelling.

  7. I think she looks great! I love the smooth look and her nose looks good to me. Very lovely!

  8. Sharon would tell you to send the critique person out of the room and to see and appreciate what you painted, because it is lovely. The colors are warm and inviting, her lips very sensual, look in her eyes kind and contemplative... just beautiful! I think she wanted to be just the way you painted her. Next one might be different, but this one is just right. xo

  9. Smiling while I read all the comments. It's true that one tends to be so critical of your own work. I wonder if I will ever feel my paintings are good enough but like you said Zorana I should appreciate the fact that I am painting and it's all from the heart and that should say something. Thanks so much for all the wonderful comments. :)


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