“To find your creative muse you have to go to a place within yourself where no one else has ever been. Experiment, brake the rules, make mistakes, grow and most of all ... Have fun while doing it! Don't wait for inspiration to come to you .. go out and find it.Never loose the child within you because within the child you will find your imagination. Be creative and be inspired and you will live a life filled with wonderful creative blessings."

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Please visit my new blog.
Get inspired and learn an easy way to keep an art journal.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

No Pencil drawing.

One of the things I want to do this year is to improve my drawing skills. I know from experience that drawing  with a marker or pen not only force you to really look before you make a mark but it also help you to overcome the fear and insecurity in your own creative and artistic abilities. I love to sketch and draw and do it all the time and whenever I can even if it is only little doodles while I am on the telephone. 

I usually sketch or draw all over in different journals but this year I dedicated a journal for these kind of sketches. I have only one rule in this journal - NO PENCIL OR ERASING are allowed on any of the pages and it must be real time life drawings.  It doesn't matter if some of the drawings are totally wonkers or lines are not straight. I will sketch and draw as often as I can and I will not let 'bad drawings' sabotage my future drawings. I will just push on because I know that I will have a big smile on my face when I look back through the pages at the end of the year and see how I have improved. 

This is a page from my journal showing the tools I will be using. The journal itself is one I made with a sheet of watercolor paper and the rest of my tools are small, compact and easy to carry around.   

What do you say? Challenge yourself and keep a journal that you fill with drawings going straight in with a marker or pen. Do it for a month as an experiment. You will be amazed to see how it force you to really observe something and your ability to make marks and draw fluent lines will improve drastically. 

Best of luck and happy drawing! 
Ansota :)


  1. You always sketch really well, so you can imagine what you are going to be doing by the end of this particular journal... I can't wait to see :o)

  2. Lovely work!
    I usually do use pen in my sketchbook :) x

  3. Awesome opening drawing!
    My sincere wish is that you achieve the improvement you are seeking, be aware of the side effects of journaling everyday like this: you will come up with millions of ideas [more than you have time to put in practice] - hopefully!
    Congrats for your beautiful work and for your great new year resolution

  4. this is a charming piece
    a great idea to practice skills

  5. For a very long time I have been admiring the journal sketches of other people! But from this year it is my chance to explore making my own drawings. And to take on the 'fear of failure'! I have joined sketchbookskool.com at the beginning of April and with this first semester being called "Beginnings" I have started to pursue my dream of beginning to fill up a sketchbook of my own. Lovely to read about your joys in keeping a sketchbook journal :)


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