“To find your creative muse you have to go to a place within yourself where no one else has ever been. Experiment, brake the rules, make mistakes, grow and most of all ... Have fun while doing it! Don't wait for inspiration to come to you .. go out and find it.Never loose the child within you because within the child you will find your imagination. Be creative and be inspired and you will live a life filled with wonderful creative blessings."

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Saturday, December 11, 2010


And in between all the sketching and watercolor painting I managed to do this mixed media on canvas. She is going straight to my wall.



  1. Your talents amaze me. Such beauty and softness in all of your creations. You are truly blessed my friend.

  2. I can understand why why she is going straight to your wall; she's beautiful.......You are so full of talent.....

  3. She is so so so beautiful! I LOVE this!

  4. the colors are beautiful and so is her face ...

  5. This is so awesome!!!!! I really love it.


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