“To find your creative muse you have to go to a place within yourself where no one else has ever been. Experiment, brake the rules, make mistakes, grow and most of all ... Have fun while doing it! Don't wait for inspiration to come to you .. go out and find it.Never loose the child within you because within the child you will find your imagination. Be creative and be inspired and you will live a life filled with wonderful creative blessings."

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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Watercolor Sketch #1

There is something about a new journal I can not resist. I have so many different journals I work in and I still can't walk pass a journal in the shops without wanting to buy it. It's like an addiction ... you know you just gotta have it! There is a journal for watercolors, one for pens and markers, one for mixed media, one for faces, one for soul collage work, one for lyrics of music and poems and and and ... Well it makes me happy .. Whenever I see a journal I have to touch it, cuddle it in my hands, hold it against my heart and  smell the paper.

I want to include two of my recent watercolor sketches that I have been working on. I am still struggling to get enough strength in my shadows ... think I am too scared of messing it up but I need to practice light and shadows because to me that is the essence between a good and average painting. I recently bought a little A5 size spiral bound Watercolour Pad with 180gsm acid free paper from Crimson & Blake and I want to fill it with little daily watercolor practice pieces out of my daily life. Hope to do one page every day but we will see how it goes. 




  1. This sure is looking good to me, and I love that you practice everyday, because it's so true--it helps you feel more confident and then you can experiment more. (I love the look of watercolors)

  2. I think you've about got the light and shadows on the mountains. Wow..is that really the view you have from your window? It is so lovely, as is your watercolor.

  3. Thank you Diane and Franz... practicing I am and I do love the crispness and fresh look of watercolors too plus it is so easy to carry around when I go out.

  4. @Healing Woman ... Thank you :) Yes it is really the view I have. It's beautiful to have the mountains and the sea all in one here. Love both so much!

  5. I love this!!! Gosh....thank you for the encouragement to practice! Wow, your work is amazing!


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