“To find your creative muse you have to go to a place within yourself where no one else has ever been. Experiment, brake the rules, make mistakes, grow and most of all ... Have fun while doing it! Don't wait for inspiration to come to you .. go out and find it.Never loose the child within you because within the child you will find your imagination. Be creative and be inspired and you will live a life filled with wonderful creative blessings."

Please visit my new blog.

Please visit my new blog.
Get inspired and learn an easy way to keep an art journal.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Stylish Blogger Award

Thank you to Theresa for presenting me the Stylish Blogger Award.

8 Things about me:
1. I love coffee and herbal teas.
2. I can't resist cheese
3. I don't eat anything that contains white flour
4. My favorite color is ... no this is too hard .. I LOVE all colors!
5. I am addicted to knowledge and love trivia or anything that can teach me something
6.I was born under the star sign Gemini.
7. I hate cruelty to animals
8. I love all music except jazz and opera and my favorite band of all time is LIVE.

Okay time to pay this award forward and in no particular order I name the following people who are an inspiration to me and whom I love to visit.
1. Zorana
2. Peggy Aplseeds
3. Rebecca Anthony
4. Creative Carmelina
5. Cheryl Dolby
6. Ophelia
7. Biljana
8. Diane

There are many other blogs that I love to visit and I wish I could include more of you lovely bloggers but I had to choose only 8. If you would like to pay this award forward then please do the following:

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this.
2. Share 8 things about yourself.
3. Pay it forward to 8 bloggers who inspire you.
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their awards.

Keep well and happy blogging!


  1. Oh Ansota, thank you so much!!! This is so special coming from you. I appreciate you including me with this wonderful group of artists.
    P.S. Where I would be without my coffe AND teas.

  2. Ansota,

    Thank you so much!! (O: I am so glad to be back blogging again. Your work is always such an inspiration to me, thank you for being so talented!


  3. Ansota...you really are so very sweet..I know what you mean, there are so many brilliant and beautiful blogs out here in blogland...and I am thrilled to own my own personal little corner of this digital world!
    thanks so very much for including me in your list...I appreciate the mention very much!

    have a lovely day.

    ciao bella
    Creative Carmelina

  4. Thanks so much:)
    Have a wonderful day, hugs Biljana

  5. congrats on the award. keep up the good work. i love your art journal.

  6. Thank you Ansota! I enjoyed reading your list... it could be my list too (except that I'm not a gemini and that I do like jazz). xo

  7. Thank you so much for this honor! I really appreciate it!


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